Thursday, February 19, 2015

Apostolic Church of the Golden and Rosy Cross

The origins of the “Apostolic Church of the Golden and Rosy Cross”  (a non-dogmatic, tolerant, independent ecclesia formed from valid lines and pure intent with a focus on healing & the Disciplina Arcani, centered by the axis of Christian Worship: distribution of the sacraments) go back to the Pre-Nicene Ekklesia. This Church was brought into existence by  Richard Duc de Palatine. Monsignor Richardus (The Right Reverend  John Palatine) who was consecrated on the 25th September 1953 by His Sacred  Beatitude Mar Georgius I Patriarch of Glastonbury and  Prince Catholicos of the Catholicate of the West which was incorporated  in India  under  Act XX1  of 1860. On the retirement of Monsignor Richardus as the Presiding Bishop of the Pre  Nicene Ekklesia, who decided to  immigrate to America,  Bishop George Boyer was  appointed  his successor as the Presiding Bishop of the Pre Nicene  Ekklesia, and remained in that office until his death. Bishop George Boyer was an internationally well known and respected Independent Bishop. 
Tau Raphael ordaining a woman priest in the ACGRC

The Rt. Reverend Bishop Michael  Norman Buckley, Tau Marcus  was raised to the  Holy Order of the Episcopate by the Most Rev. George Boyer (1921-2008) the presiding Bishop of the Pre-Nicene Ekklesia on the 3rd of March 2002, as Bishop for this  Ekklesia in the City of Brighton, in the County  of  East Sussex, England. A Charter was granted  for the Establishment of the Ecclesia  Gnostica  Roseae et Aureae  Crucis by  The Most Reverend George Boyer, (former Secretary General of C.I.R.E.M. and Grand Master and Lord Abbot of the Healing, Teaching and Chivalric Order of St Michael and St RaphaelPresiding Bishop of the Pre-Nicene Ekklesia to The Right Reverend  Michael Norman Buckley on the 3rd March 2002, for those within his care and spiritual protection.  The Right Reverend Michael Norman Buckley (Tau Marcus) being the Grand Master numerous esoteric orders of spiritual chivalry. 

Due to the public misunderstanding and confusion surrounding the perception of the term 'Gnostic' in the title of  the “Ecclesia Gnostica Roseae et Aureae Crucis”  and also it's unfortunate association with certain rites deemed to be antithetical to primitive Christianity, it was decided by the Most Reverend Michael Norman Buckley, Tau Marcus, Presiding Bishop to change the name  of the Church to that of the “Apostolic Church of the Golden and Rosy Cross” on the 6th Day of January 2009 at Brighton, in the County of East Sussex, England with the approval of Arch Bishop +Leila BOYER of the Pre-Nicene Ekklesia. 

The Church operates in the U.K., U.S.A., the Republic of Ireland & Nigeria.  The ACGRC believes in and supports the married priesthood, the ordination and consecration of women into the priesthood and the most Christ like empathy and embrace of all of humanity.  Our doors are open to all, In His Name.  Amen. +++


Myrddin said...

Please could you contact me regarding the Apostolic Church. I knew Leila Boyer. Thank you.

Myrddin said...
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Myrddin said...

Please could you contact me regarding the Apostolic Church. I knew Leila Boyer. Thank youg

Cunning man of Beornice said...

How do I contact the church? I feel drawn to your teachings

Lewis Keizer said...

I plan to offer workshops on the Pre-Christian Teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) and the technique of Harmonic Intoning for Chakra Attunement in the third week of October at a student's home in London. This part of a global lecture tour hosted by students in Ontario, New York City, London, Thailand, the Philippines, Perth and Sidney Australia, Columbia, and Peru for the purpose of operating a continuous, focussed, protective ring of blessing around the Earth as I fly to each location. I am a biblical scholar and author of many books with focus on reconstructing and restoring the authentic kabbalistic teachings of Yeshua that were misunderstood and lost in the early Greek-speaking gentile churches that produced the New Testament writings, and as such have taken Palatine's Pre-Nicene interests to their ultimate fulfilment. My sites:;; My academic and esoteric resume: I would like to make contact with Bishop Buckley and other leaders of your church. In 1993 the Bishops Boyer flew to California for mutual subconditional consecrations to share Apostolic lineages and all his esoteric charters with me, with THG, and install me as Vicarius Salomonis of all the Pansophic Rites preserved by Yarker at the turn of the last century and as Knight Commander of +OMR+ for North America. Here are the documents and his communications to me: I hope to make contact with Bishop Buckley and others of your group, and hereby invite you to my private workshops in London. In the One Heart, Lewis Keizer, M.Div., Ph.D., Presiding Bishop of the Home Temple.

Heal Freely said...

Dear Myrddin and Cunning man of Beornice,

To make contact with the Church, send an email to

Dear Bishop +Lewis Keizer,

I will forward your note on to Bishop Buckley.


Cuore-Luminoso said...

I was a friend of Bishop George Boyer and since his passing a lapsed member of the Pre-Nicene Ecclesia. Bishop Leila stayed with us in Cornwall when she was diagnosed and again not long before she died.
I haven't seen Bishop Michael since Bishop George died but feel a strong desire to make contact again. I meet Bishop George often in my dreams and he asked me to find Michael. If you would be kind enough to send him my contact details I would be most grateful.
Many thanks,
Tim Hudson (
mobile 07715001382